He was born in 1998 and lives in Puerto Tejada, a town in the department of Cauca. Victor Barona joined Colombianitos in 2010 and two years later he became a “Joven Agente De Cambio” (JAC) (young agents of change).
He learned English by himself since his parents did not have the means to pay for a specialized course. As a result, he applied for two scholarships from the United States government and was able to get them both. The first was in 2013, “Jóvenes Embajadores” (young ambassadors), it was a month-long cultural exchange program, in which he put into practice what he by himself had learned from the foreign language.
Two years later, in 2015 he applied to the Community College program and won a place to go to college for a year, with all expenses paid. There he had the opportunity to live with young people from different countries of the world and polish his English. When he ended, he obtained a Certificate of Children and Family in Professional Development.
That December of that same year, he received recognition for his achievements in Florida from America’s Planned Giving, an allied community to Colombianitos. In November 2016, he traveled to Atlanta and met with the president of the foundation, Angela Patricia Janiot, who gave him a private tour on CNN television and then celebrated the 15th anniversary of the foundation together.
Víctor is an Environmental Technologist at SENA and is currently in the fourth semester of Environmental Engineering at UNAD University. In two years he finishes his career and among his plans is to help his family, his community, and work in a multinational company.