A Colombian girl will fulfill the dream of becoming an astronaut

Mariam Gisell Arboleda Micolta es una niña de Puerto Tejada, Cauca, que a sus 12 años fue seleccionada para viajar del 21 al 27 de agosto al Space Center de la NASA con otras 35 niñas, de 21 departamentos, gracias a la alianza entre la Fundación Colombianitos y el programa ‘Ella es astronauta’, que busca cumplir los sueños de niñas en situación de vulnerabilidad, formándolas como lideres de sus comunidades y empoderándolas para promover proyectos sostenibles en sus territorios.

Está niña alegre, cariñosa y de sonrisa contagiosa, cursa octavo grado en la Institución Educativa Politécnico la Milagrosa, vive con sus padres y su hermana menor. Desde hace cuatro años hace parte de la Fundación Colombianitos en donde participa activamente en proyectos de equidad de género y sostenibilidad ambiental, destacándose por su liderazgo, compromiso, compañerismo y el deseo de aprender cosas nuevas.

Como toda soñadora, anhela conocer el universo, las estrellas y el cosmos “Viajar al Space Center de la NASA será una experiencia única, en donde voy a aprender muchas cosas que quiero compartir con mi familia y mis amigos del colegio”, asegura la Mariam Gisell.

Durante cuatro meses Mariam, en compañía de las otras tripulantes, se preparó con expertos del Space Center NASA en donde recibieron clases virtuales sobre el espacio, las estrellas, cohetes, misiones y requisitos para ser astronauta, lo que le permitió adquirir nuevos conocimientos, fortaleciendo su imaginación y su creatividad.

“For Colombianitos it is a privilege to be an ally of the 'She is an astronaut' program, an experience that allows us to transform the lives of hundreds of girls in Colombia, and positively impact their communities, sending a message of empowerment and leadership to all women” , says Gladys Sanmiguel, executive director of the Colombianitos Foundation.

The Colombianitos Foundation is an organization that has been using sports and education for 21 years as a tool to promote social transformations in children, adolescents and young people from communities living in vulnerable conditions.

Thanks to sports and education, Colombianitos has managed to benefit 135,815 boys, girls and young people, 10,031 parents and train 2,073 teachers, a job that has been carried out in schools and communities.

'She is an astronaut' program

Thanks to the alliance between the She Is Foundation and the NASA Space Center (Center for scientific learning and space exploration that opens the doors to NASA missions), 35 girls from 21 departments of Colombia, in vulnerable circumstances, will be able to travel to Houston, Texas and become agents of change, allowing them to transform their environments, empower themselves and be leaders in their communities, while they themselves acting as multipliers and spokespersons for opportunities in each of their territories through the SHE IS AN ASTRONAUT program.

For this great adventure, 3,500 girls applied nationwide, and after a month of tests and interviews, 35 girls were selected to be the crew members of this mission. In total, those elected represent 21 departments and 32 municipalities such as Yaguará, Tauramena, Quibdó, San José del Guaviare, Puerto Asís, Saravena, Puerto Tejada, among others.

This program is possible thanks to the main support of Ecopetrol, and other companies such as: El Dorado Airport, Colombianitos Foundation, Vinci Foundation, Odinsa, UN Women and Pavimentos Colombia; likewise our official ally: Caracol Television. Achieving in this way to impact the lives of girls in Latin America.

The adventure will last 5 months, consisting of workshops in leadership and motivation. Furthermore the program includes meetings with astronauts and women from the area who managed to develop new perspectives on life by using their skills, knowledge and different thinking in teamwork contexts, providing creative solutions and impacting other girls and women.

The 'She is an Astronaut' with academic immersion, will allow them to access virtual classes prior to the experience, have meet & talk and webinars, with the participation of the CEO of the Space Center and other high-impact speakers. This mission will end with a visit to NASA for five days where they will receive a curriculum and study plan. They will carry out training activities, interact with astronauts and have their graduation in one of the largest STEM career learning centers in the world, the "NASA SPACE CENTER".

She is an Astronaut is a historic program that builds a country and transforms the lives of hundreds of girls in Colombia and Latin America, giving them the chance to fulfill their dreams and create sustainable projects in their territories. Globally recognized as one of the programs with the greatest impact for girls in STEM areas.

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