We Inaugurated the Ciudad Bolívar's community library "La Violetta" once again

The children of the Paraíso neighborhood in Ciudad Bolívar, now have a newly remodeled library with areas to enjoy and participate in multiple academic, cultural and educational activities. 

With the support of Diana Correa and DIRECTV, the Colombianitos Foundation we able to inaugurate the library "La Violetta" once again, in the heard of Ciudad Bolívar, now the building has more books, educational tools, paper and other materials that will guarantee the optimum development of activities that take place in each of its programs.  

According to Gladys Sanmiguel, Executive Director of the Colombianitos Foundation, this initiative comes from the organization's promise to keep working for the children of the area, not only in athletic regards, but also, supporting the academic and educational processes.

13 year old Alejandra Roa lives in the area and during the week she assists to the reading club, the crafting and puppets workshops and on Saturday takes English class, for her, having on new materials in the library makes her very happy, since she can learn so many new things in a fun way.  

In the midst of smiles and exited looks, Santiago, a 9 year old colombianito from Ciudad Bolívar, assures that the library is a very special place to play and study with and with the new arrival of materials he will come more often. 

"La Violetta" was born in 2012 in the house of Carlos Eduardo Solano Morales, current member of the library, and who was a Colombianitos as a kid, he, along with his wife created an English program and a arts program to strengthen these skills in the children of the neighborhood during their free time. More children began attending these programs and the couple saw themselves force to relocate multiple times in different parts of the area.  

In 2015 they received a donation from the Secretary of Culture that allowed for the creation of the communal library. By 2019, the Library will return to its Roots, Carlos and his wife's house, there there will restructure and accommodate spaces for their activities. 

Tras el año de pandemia la biblioteca permaneció cerrada, y con una serie de necesidades que requerían ser resueltas para poder reactivar sus programas, la Fundación Colombianitos unió esfuerzos con DIRECTV, para apoyar la reapertura con la entrega de dotación.  

" With the material that we have received we will be able to strengthen the reading activities, the art school and the game area, with traditional and board games", says Carlos Solano. 

Currently 55 kids go to the library in two groups, the "infantile" group ranging from 2-7 years of ages, who go on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and the group of "prejuveniles", who go on Thursdays and Fridays, while on Saturdays English classes take place.

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