For three years Ecopetrol and the Colombianitos Foundation did the best play for the goal

More than 7,560 boys and girls benefit each year thanks to the agreement between Ecopetrol and the Colombianitos Foundation that started in 2018 in the Municipalities of Acacías, Castilla La Nueva y Guamal in Meta.

This alliance looks to develop abilities for life and citizenship skills, through the implementation of athletic practices, creating healthy living spaces and fortifying the social fabric in areas influenced by Ecopetrol.

With the guarantee of the Secretary of Education of Meta, the program " Goles para una vida major" (Goals for a better life) was implemented for student up until 11th grade, in 10 educational establishments and 47 rural centers, prioritized by Ecopetrol in the three municipalities.

The program was developed in three components: Athletic, educational and operational management. Every one, through different actions, involved students, teachers and parents of each educational institution.

Gladys Sanmiguel, Executive director of the Colombianitos Foundations, emphasized that the goal proposed by Ecopetrol was surmounted in the execution of the project, " We helped more than 7,250 boys, girls and young adults, which was our yearly goal, we realized practices, championships and other athletic events, we gave out donations, athletic kits and implemented the mythology of "Juguemos for Paz" through the help of the teaches of the educational institutions"

In the 47 rural centers the 10 educational institutions there were two gift giving events of a diverse amount of donations from soccer balls, basketballs and volleyballs. The students received training pines (2018) and Jeseys (2019) for their participation in the soccer training sessions and championships. There were 7250 participants per year distributed in 47 centers.

While in person, each one of the 47 centers had a soccer championship for each year, events ,that during quarantine, became virtual championships by the educational institution

As a part of the strategy a virtual championship was created "Juguemos for la Paz - Habilidades con sentido Ecopetrol 2020" (Let's play for peace - Abilities with a Ecopetrol sense 2020" that lead to a gifting of a ping pong table to each establishment.

Through the educational component, 7250 parents of families and 166 teaches benefitted from the educational tools, the gifting of notebooks and many methodology workshops for physical education teachers of the department with the company or athletic orienteers of the Colombianitos Foundation.

"This project is very important for the educational work with the students because we are developing abilities and skills as well as strengthening the use of free time. We apply the project in physical education, ethic and values which has strengthened scholar coexistence" assured María Elisa Ladino, teen of the educational institution José María Córdoba de Guamal.

The students from 6th to 11th grade participated in the Program Liderazgo Juvenil (Youth leadership Program), which strengthened their abilities as agents of change. In the last year, 902 children learned to design their life projects with educational cards, involving athletic activities and orientations for the development of projects that transcend the community. The activities were developed from 2018 to 2020.


During the Pandemic

In 2020, in accordance with the social distancing methods implemented by the National Government due to the pandemic, the Colombianitos Foundation designed educational cards to create athletic training from home and videos that can help teachers, students and parents to do their activities.

For María Cristina Bejarano, leader of the Social Managements at Ecopetrol in Meta, the most important part of the project was the ability to adapt to the challenges caused by the pandemic: " I want to highlight what was done during 2020, an activity that requires so much in person participation as athletic practices, was able to adapt and take place virtually, arriving to homes through educational cards, allowing children to do their activities with their families"

During quarantine the teaches received constant virtual visits from the athletic guides of the Foundation, discussing over 60 educational cards with new deans, academic coordinates and teachers of the prioritized educational institution and virtual measures were also put in place.

The boys and girls on their part complete the activities on the card with their families and kept up with their athletic training at home. The Foundation's athletic organizers designed tasks and recorded videos explaining the activities.

Omar David Gómez is a 16 year old Colombianitos that lives in the Castilla municipality, thanks the organizers for all the support they gave when implementing the project he knew was necessary to continue the project.

" I learned about leadership and currently I am applying a lot of the knowledge, values and principles I acquired, it would be spectacular if more kids could benefit from this type of projects that become fundamental for life" indicated Omar David.

Luz Graciela Moreno, Social Manager of the mayor in the municipality of Acacías, highlighted that thanks to the program it was possible to connect with a large amount of children and families with games and fun activities, forming abilities and skills for a difficult time.

Gladys Sanmiguel, assured that the Foundation maintains its promise to work in benefitting the boys and girls of this area of the country, looking for the best opportunities for its communities through athletic practices.

The Colombianitos Foundation is an organization with 20 years of experience, leading in Colombia with the use of sports as a tool for social development, that has benefited over 143 million people with its diverse methods, that allow for the creation of new education practices that mold the new generations of the country in abilities for life, citizenship skills, environmental protection, leadership, prevention of alcohol consumption and gender equality.

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