A night filled with goals for a better life in 'El Campín'

On the return of the soccer fans to the stadiums of Bogotá, the Colombianitos of Ciudad Bolívar visited the stadium 'El Campín' thanks to an invitation from the Millonarios club to watch them play against los Patriotas on the 8th match day of the Betplay Ligue.

On the unforgettable night, 50 beneficiaries made up of parents and minor, enjoyed a unique opportunity they had been anxiously waiting to experience for years, to watch a profesional soccer match in the most important stadium in the city.

Mateo Diaz, an 11 year old Colombianito currently in 5th grade and living with his parents and four siblings in the Guabanal sector of Ciudad Bolívar, maintained a bright and astonished look due to the ambience of the stadium, he was very exited to meet the players and watch them on the giant pitch.

In the midst of the flags, chants, euforia and passion that comes with soccer, the beneficiaries of the Colombianitos Foundation accompanied as a family the return of the blue fans to the stadium, as they watched the 'Embajador' team as they marched toward victory.

" We were very exited with Millionario's invitation, those space and activities allowed us to reinforce our program ' Goles pare una vida mejor' (Goals for a better life) in Ciudad Bolívar, a lot of our Colombianitos dreamed of visiting the stadium and being so close to their idols, its gratifying to see how our efforts can help build their dreams", says Gladys Sanmiguel, executive director of the Colombianitos Foundation.

Dana Sofía Marunlanda was another colombianita that at 10 years old was able to visit the Campín stadium, she was left surprised and astonished by the sheer amount of people singing and enjoying the match, for her being in the stadium is like being at a party.

To the parents of the beneficiaries that accompanied their children, they also enjoyed this soccer event. Renzo Ruiz, a blue fan and father of two colombianitos says that this was a dream for him and his kids has but that he would never have been able to accomplish it due to his economic situation.

During 20 years of uninterrupted operations in Ciudad Bolívar, with our program 'Goles para una vida mejor' we have helped 10,525 boys, girls and teens in six sectors in this location.

We are currently developing our operations in two areas of Ciudad Bolívar, in the Parque Illimaní and the Guabal sector, benefiting more than 300 minors from this location.

Thanks to this project we are transforming communities in these areas and demonstrating that our program is one of the best options to promote peaceful coexistence and the building of peace.

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