Boys and girls from Ciudad Bolívar visited the Mundo Aventura park

On un unforgettable day, our beneficiaries of the 'Goles para una vida mejor' (Goals for a better life program) program from Ciudad Bolívar visited the Mundo Aventura park, enjoying their attractions and achieving a dream they had awaited for years.  

Thanks to our new ally the el Centro Comercial Plaza de la Américas y Coparques, our colombianitos were able to make the most out a unique experience full of surprises, food and extreme experiences in the parks attractions.

" We know the importance of having allies who we can work with to impact out beneficiaries positively and the communities, thanks to our alliance with el Centro Comercial Plaza de Las Américas we can make the most out of this type of experience", assured Gladys Sanmiguel, executive director of the Colombianitos Foundation.

Ángel Alexis Méndez is a 10 year old colombianito who had never been to the park and to him it was a dream come true, something he had been awaiting several years.

Yina Paola Rojas, coordinator of operations and social responsibility of Centro Comercial Plaza de las Américas, affirms that with this type of activities a positive impact is achieved in the lives of the children, improving the environment in their families and in the communities.  

Dayanna Cruz, is 14 years old and another colombianita from Ciudad Bolívar that visited Mundo Aventura for the first time. To her, this will be an unforgettable experience , saying that it was a very fun, happy and special day because she was able to share it with other friends who also yearned to visit the park.

Corparques claims that this type of activity consolidates the work that they put in every day for children's and young peoples' right to recreation in Bogotá and the region.


Goles para una vida mejor in Ciudad Bolívar

In 2001, when the Fundación Colombianitos was founded, the project “Goles para Una Vida Mejor” (Goals for a better life) started in Ciudad Bolívar, in the south of Bogotá. That is how the citizens from this town began to benefit from the educational tools that sports use to develop their potential and acquire new life skills.

During 20 years of uninterrupted work and operation in this town, 10.525 children and adolescents have been benefited in 6 sectors of Ciudad Bolivar with projects that have been financed by very important allies like Bancolombia, FIFA, BID, Coca Cola, Sony, and Ecopetrol, who have trusted the work carried out by Colombianitos within the communities.

We are currently developing our operations in two areas of Ciudad Bolívar, in the Parque Illimaní and the Guabal sector, benefiting more than 300 minors from this location.

Thanks to this project we are transforming communities in these areas and demonstrating that our program is one of the best options to promote peaceful coexistence and the building of peace.

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