More than 300 boys and girls from Ciudad Bolívar celebrate the end of the year with sports activities, gifts and surprises

Thanks to the alliance between Fundación Colombianitos, TRANSMILENIO S.A., Simoniz and Binner, more than 300 minors from the town of Ciudad Bolívar enjoyed an unforgettable day full of gifts and surprises to celebrate Christmas.

With the commitment to create more opportunities for children living in the locality in vulnerable conditions, counteracting the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and other problems such as malnutrition, poor eating habits, violence and sedentary lifestyle, this activity was carried out in person, where the Colombian children enjoyed a morning with physical activities, gifts, nutritional snacks and many surprises.

“For Colombianitos it is very valuable to celebrate Christmas with our beneficiaries, it is a time to share and enjoy with boys and girls from families living in vulnerable conditions, fathers and mothers who in some cases do not have the economic resources to buy a gift. to their children,” assured Gladys Sanmiguel, executive director of the Colombianitos Foundation.

The minors who participated are beneficiaries of the programs that Colombianitos has been developing in this area for 20 years. The celebration was held in the open air on the soccer fields of the Somascos Fathers, in the Guabal sector in Ciudad Bolívar, in two sessions, the first with boys and girls between 5 and 11 years old and the second with the group between 12 and 18 years.

Paola Ramírez is a Colombianita, she is 11 years old, assured that it is the first time that she celebrates Christmas in this way and she was very grateful for all the surprises that she was able to enjoy.

“We have been working in the town of Ciudad Bolívar for 20 years, educating through sports and developing life skills, thanks to our allies we can create these types of activities to make our Colombianitos happy with a Christmas gift, activities and other surprises” added the executive director of Colombianitos.

Mateo Rojas is 8 year old, present at the celebration. He said that the soccer ball that he received was his first gift of the year, because his parents do not have money.

Thanks to TRANSMILENIO S.A, the attendees also enjoyed recreational activities with dances, puppets, with a recreation team that encouraged the attendees, they also delivered a school kit for each minor.

"For Transmilenio, these types of activities are a great opportunity to bring joy and fun to the children of Ciudad Bolívar," said Eliana Guerrero, social management professional at TRANMILENIO S.A.

For its part, SimonizCo, through its 'United Family Shines Strongly' campaign, joined the Christmas celebration in Ciudad Bolívar with the delivery of nutritional snacks, in addition, during the month of December they will donate $30 pesos from the sales of each product of the Simoniz and Binner brands, which will be used for a Christmas dinner.

"As a company we fight against malnutrition among children in Colombia, and these spaces and activities allow us to raise awareness of this problem, to combat it with more force," explained Liza Fasanneli, corporate director of SimonizCo.

These activities allow the appropriation of healthy life habits among children and adolescents, promoting the consumption of water and the reduction of sugary drinks.

The Colombianitos Foundation and its allies remain committed to developing and strengthening through sports, health and life skills in children and adolescents from the communities, improving their growth, development and socialization process within their community, through our own methodologies.

During 20 years of uninterrupted operation in this locality, 10,525 children and adolescents have benefited from 6 sectors of Ciudad Bolívar.

The Colombianitos Foundation is a leading organization in the country with more than 20 years of experience in the use of sport as a tool for social transformation, with a presence in 18 departments, benefiting 143,477 people, of whom 131,791 have been boys, girls, adolescents and young people, 9,915 parents and 1,771 teachers.

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