The best play for families in the process of reincorporation

'Goles para una vida mejor' is the commitment of the Colombianitos Foundation, the Swiss Embassy in Colombia- Humanitarian help for development (COSUDE) and the Agency for the Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN) to contribute the the Reincorporation route of the families and communities in the Former Territorial Spaces of Training and Reincorporation (ETCR), through athletic, educational and cultural meetings that improve coexistence and the development of peace.

The route of reincorporation in Colombia has seven components, ' Goles para una vida mejor' (Goals for a better life) covers two of them: Community and Family, developing citizenship skills and abilities in the lives of 250 boys, girls, teenagers, young individuals and parents of the families in the process of reincorporation and the host communities in the former ETCR of 'El Estrecho' (The stretch) in Cauca and 'La variante' (The variant) in Tumaco, strengthening the social fabric, the healthy coexistence, familial relationships and making the most out of free time in the participants.

" Sports throughout history have been the perfect way to promote social transformations, which is why we use it as a tool to teach the boys and girls of the territories about discipline, citizenship, teamwork, assertive communication, conflict resolution, empathy among other things" explained Gladys Sanmiguel, executive director of the Colombianitos Foundation.

In each area a team was hired, made up of athletic coaches, regional psychologists and community leaders who were trained in the methods of the foundation in its three component, athletics, education and psychosocial, as to leave the area strengthened in the methodology.

'Goles para una vida mejor' will last one year in each territory, encouraging the participation of the families in the reincorporation process, the host community and the athletic leaders of the area.

During the initial phases of the project in each community, the former ETCRs were given an an athletic soccer kit that came with uniforms, balls, cones, hoops and school supplies so that the participants could develop the activities programmed in the project's agenda.

Through soccer and other athletic disciplines, worksheets are implemented with the trained coaches, to achieve strong and well formed abilities for life and citizenship skills in boys, girls, teenagers and young individuals in the territory.

10 year old Valentina, says that it is very fun to participate in the athletic activities because she learns teamwork and respect others while she plays with her friends. 

For 16 year old Santiago, who dreams of becoming a soccer player, he sees athletic practices as a way to become a better person and achieve his dream.

Workshops and psychoeducational meetings for parents of families are provided with the intent to enhance the skills of families, in the caretakers and member of the host community, preventing as much as possible the risks of infancy and adolescence, therefore, educational days are implemented in order for the methodology to remain intact in the area.

Maria Ismenia, a mother of one of the families in the reincorporation process, sees the initiative as a great opportunity for her children to learn and enjoy their free time, " Something that without a doubt will keep them from bad thing," she adds 

Furthermore, evaluation processes are cultivated and quantified in order to strategically identify in a timely manner, aspects to improve and highlight the impact of the project.   

 The project also foresees to benefit around 100 people in the host communities that inhabit the nearby areas of the former prioritized ETCR.

For Reto Grüninger, head of the Humanitarian Help and Development (COSUDE), " The objective of the Swiss Cooperation Program is to contribute to a prosperous Colombia, inclusive and pacifist. In this sense the support of the Embassy in regards to the project 'Goles para una vida mejor' is a commitment to advance toward the goal as well as being an opportunity to support the Colombian Government in the implementation of the peace accords in the territories most affected by the armed conflict".

'Goles para una vida mejor' is aligned with the 'Paz con legalidad' (Peace with legality) policy of the National Government; respecting and recognizing the rights of the human person, focusing on gender and race equality in those territories, and encouraging the coexistence and reconciliation, reducing stigmas and promoting action in order to benefit communities.

" Peace is built with actions, and it has different aspects that complement the efforts of the national government and the support of the international community. And what better than to use soccer to begin strengthening peace within children and young individuals", signaled Felipe Stapper, director of the Reincorporation and Normalization Agency (ARN).

This is the manner in which the Colombianitos Foundation and their allies continues to bring the building of a better duture for the boys, girls, teenagers and young individuals, the new generations of our country.

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