We play differently for the environment
During a virtual meeting, the Colombianitos Foundation will present next Monday, April 26th, the environmental sustainability and quality of life curriculum "Estamos dejando huella en nuestro planeta",(We are leaving a mark on our planet) a work done in the company of UNESCO, that looks to form and educate boys, girls and young adults in leadership and awareness to create an individual and collective environmental conscience.

There will be seven reflections with guests from different sectors that work for common objective like protecting and preserving the environment. A colonel of the National Army, an 11 year old activist, representatives of national, global and local institutions, will share their stories and experiences on environmental sustainability.

We will learn the strategies that the National Army developing in regards to protecting land previously used to produce illegal products that is now in a reforestation process through the introduction of palm and frailejone plants. We will learnt the story of an 11 year old, whose lifestyle is one of a great defender of the environment. Many other stories and experiences regarding environmental responsibility will be shared by companies and state institutions.

Additionally, we will talk about the work done in 2020 by the Colombianitos Foundation and UNESCO in with the environmental sustainability curriculum who uses "Juguemos for la Paz" (Let's play for Peace) methodology and in the first months of its implementation helped 1,000 students and 36 teachers in 6 educational institutions in three municipalities: Barbosa in Antioquia, Puerto Tejada in Cauca and Tocancipá in Cundinamarca.

These guests will share seven unexpected reflections about environmental sustainability next Monday, April 26th starting at 8:30 am in the webinar "Juguemos distanto por el medio ambiente"

  • Gladys Sanmiguel - Executive Director of the Colombianitos Foundation
  • Francisco Vera - Activist in defending life and the environment. He is 11 years old and ambassador of Buena Voluntad de la Union Europea en Colombia.
  • Orlando Moreno - National Parks Director
  • Diana Toledo - Curriculum Coordinator for Environmental Sustainability of the Colombianitos Foundation
  • María Brown - Specialist in Education, UNESCO's office in Quito and Representation for Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela.
  • Romina Kasman - Specialist of the Program in the Regional Office of Education of Unesco for Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Colonel Carlos Vanessa - Territorial Control Director of the National Army Operations in Colombia
  • Natalia Aguier - Head of Kimberly Clark communications team in northern region

The people that want to participate in our webinar have to sign up using the following link: bit.ly/32p9Q58.

This event will take place Monday April 26 starting at 8:30 through Facebook Live and the Colombianitos Foundation Youtube.

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