He started ‘Barú, is in the game’, a project for the new generations of the Island

Committed to creating more opportunities for the children and adolescents of the Island of Barú, which allow to counteract the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, in terms of physical activity, problems of coexistence and mental health, in an alliance We joined forces with other organizations to develop the 'Barú, it's on the move' project, which will use sport as a vehicle for social transformation to benefit 525 minors, 250 parents and 50 community leaders and / or sports managers in Santa Ana, Ararca and Barú.

The project aims to develop and strengthen through sports, health and life skills in children and adolescents on the island, improving their process of growth, development and socialization within their community, through the methodology developed by the Colombianitos Foundation and an emphasis on health.

The partnership includes the Somos Barú Association, the Punta Iguana Nautical Club, the Colombianitos Foundation, the Hernán Echavarría Olózaga Foundation, the Puerto Bahía Foundation, the Santo Domingo Foundation and the Argos Group.

Five sports organizations in the region: Club Deportivo Isla Barú Ararca, Corpoclub Social y Deportivo Santa Ana Isla de Barú, Fundeiba (Isla Barú Sports Foundation), Real Star Sports Corporation, Asoclub Recrear Barú and the Community Councils of Santa Ana, Ararca and Barú support the development of the project.

The initiative will promote the appropriation of healthy lifestyle habits among the children and adolescents of the Island of Barú through soccer and softball. Likewise, health brigades, vaccination days, weight and height screening will be carried out, promoting the consumption of water and the reduction of sugary drinks.

To counter the sedentary lifestyle that became more prevalent with the pandemic, the project promote physical activity in common spaces, guarantying the bio-secure protocols and fortifying the scholar activities of the children participating in math competition and language art processes, through art and culture.

Luz Romero, mother of three children in Santa Ana, assured that the project is an opportunity for the children to learn abilities and better understanding to make decisions for the future. Additionally, she highlighted the support that they will receive in regards to the scholar reinforcement in her children's educational activities.

“Una vez más, las organizaciones presentes en la Isla de Barú, nos hemos unido para trabajar por el desarrollo de su comunidad. En esta oportunidad lo hacemos especialmente por los niños, niñas y adolescentes quienes a través del deporte fortalecerán sus habilidades socioemocionales, competencias ciudadanas y apoyaremos su sano crecimiento”, afirmó María Stephanie González, gerente de desarrollo social Fundación Santo Domingo.

'Barú, está en la jugada', (Barú is on the move) began in October 2021 and will be developed for 12 months through the implementation of two curricula of the Colombianitos Foundation, "Coexistence and Peace", aimed at boys and girls from 8 to 10 years old, and "Prevention of early alcohol consumption in minors", for children between 11 and 13 years old.

The 'Coexistence and Peace' curriculum develops socio-emotional and civic competences through sports practice that, with pedagogical intent, uses the rules of the game to promote non-violence, social integration and the prevention of risk factors, such as absenteeism, abandonment school and bullying.

For its part, the curriculum "Prevention of early alcohol consumption in minors" is based on the use of sports and recreational strategies to increase the perception of risk of alcohol consumption, and operates as a preventive program for this and other psychoactive substances.

For minor like 11 year old Melisa Rodríguez Torres, she found it interesting that through playing soccer one can learn many things regardless of sex, while 14 year old David Pacheco, who lives in Ararca, says he aspires to be in the project to train and acheive his dream of becoming a soccer player.

" The curriculums are made up of three components: athletic, psychosocial and educational, each one counts on a timeline of activities to execute and their implementation is adapted to every different territory, involving the initiatives and successful experiences that the leaders have developed on the island", explained Gladys Sanmiguel, executive director of the Colombianitos Foundation.

In addition, the project has an entry and exit evaluation, to measure the impact and learnings on the beneficiaries and community actors.

For Rumaldo Julio González, representative of the athletic organizations, the project is a great opportunity to better the quality of life in the communities, especially the children's conditions, in areas like education, health and familial dynamics.

For the organizations and the community counsels that are a part of the project, ' Barú está en la jugada', the combination of efforts and resources by private allies, is an indispensable strategy that generates major social impact on the island, that contributes to the complete development in their communities.

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