Halloween an ideal date to provoke smiles in our Colombianitos

October is one of the most anticipated months by most of the boys and girls in the country, for the Colombianitos Foundation it means the beginning of a season to share unforgettable moments with the beneficiaries of our programs.

In the midst of smiles, surprises and fun, we were with our beneficiaries in Ciudad Bolívar, in the Illimani and Guabal sectors of Bogotá, in Muzo, a municipality of Boyacá and in Tocancipá, Cundinamarca, to celebrate Halloween.

" In these areas we were able to get close to 400 minors to celebrate Halloween in a special way. Seeing so many kids enjoying after the pandemic is a source of joy and happiness" says Gladys Sanmiguel, executive director of Colombianitos.

Thanks, in large part, to the presence of the academic and athletic activities, we called upon boys, girls and teenagers to enjoy a time full of festive and recreational activities.

" It was an incredible day, we played, had fun and they gave us gifts" says Juliana Socha, a 12 year old Colombianita from Ciudad Bolívar.

The boy and girls paraded around in their costumes, received presents from Home Sentry, that in an generous act donated decorations for our celebration and gave out awards to the most creative costumes.

Santiago Ochoa, a eight year old Colombianito from Tocacipá, says he had never been to a party with so many people in costume, " My friends and I laughed a lot and we will be able to play with the gifts we were given" he added.

With the Halloween celebration, we started a special season for the Colombianitos, the end of the year, a time in which we prepare with our allies to enjoy special date with our beneficiaries.

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