Our Safeguarding Policy
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Child and Youth Safeguarding Policy
(Report Information)
The Colombianitos Foundation committed to the construction of a safer society that cares for and protects children, adolescents and young people, promotes within its organization, behaviors consistent with the protection and interest of the child, in order to establish itself as an organization safe for childhood and youth.
It is for this reason that we are interested in knowing any incident or eventuality that attempts against the dignity, autonomy, and human rights of our Colombianitos. Please use this button to communicate any concerns, complaints, or denunciation related to child protection.



Government's new strategy to protect boys, girls and teens who use bikes as transportation.
Información e imagen tomada de: www.icbf.gov.co El Ministerio de Transporte anunció el lanzamiento de ‘Bicidestrezas’ para niños, niñas y adolescentes, una estrategia nacional que busca proteger a esta población que hace uso de la bicicleta como medio de transporte...