Coaches are taught to promote sports as social development

The Colombianitos Foundation with the help of Fundación Scort and Fotball Club Social Alliance (FCSA) grouped 40 coaches from different parts of the country in the city of Cartagena to be participant in the educational program "Young Coaches & Peer Coaches". This was done in order complement the formation that has been realized since 2015, in methods that used soccer as a tool for social development in communities.

Strategists of European clubs like Bayern 04 Leverkusen of Germany and FK Austria Viena, led the teaching to implement sport methods that promote social development through the inclusion of disabled and vulnerable participants.

"For us it is very valuable to help generate spaces that make the formative process of our Colombian coaches, that in their daily activities they confront different realities and social issues", said Gladys Sanmiguel, executive director on the Colombianitos Foundation.

During the first two days, the coaches were taught methods of working with disabled individuals, adjusting the exercises and the processes in its different stages, as well as, learning methods to include social messages through the game.

"We learned a dynamic to work with disabled children, something that I had never had the opportunity to do, we were also taught different strategies to create soccer festivals with many participants" said Juliana Vaquiro Arteaga, coach from Cumaral, Meta.

One of the most emotional moments on the agenda was the participation of 20 local children with disabilities, selected by the District Institute of Sport and Recreation of Cartagena (IBER), in practice workshops with the coaches who were being trained.

Alfredo Emilio Arroyave Hurtado, coach from Orito, Putumayo, who was a part of the trained group, claimed that the experience was enriching, " Meeting with my peers and trainers fortified my knowledge and leaning of new experiences to apply them with the children and young people in my community Orito, con this new strategy we can continues to create and support our participants education in our programs"

Furthermore, 120 children from the community of the island Barú: Ararca, Santa Ana and Pueblo Barú were called up the develop the Festival of "Fútbol Divertido" (Fun Soccer), as a strategy to apply a method of data collection in minors and implement the required teachings in each session.

"It was good to work again with this group of trainers after the Young Coaches leaning experience in 2015/16, see how they evolves, and meeting their Peer Young Coaches was wonderful. The will to learn of the coaches was always present. We are very happy and enthusiastic to know so many girls, boys and communities throughout the country the benefit from these activities", says Lea Hinnen, Organizer of project of the Scort Foundation.

The support of Cartagena's mayoralty, through the District Institute of Sport and Recreation (IDER), was fundamental to realize the event, with the lending of the sport stages in which the programmed activities took place during those four days.

This way, the 40 coaches that participated received their certificate in assistance, finishing then with the completion of the course that they had started a few years prior, because the pandemic had caused postponement.

This is how the Colombianitos Foundation and their allies keep using sports, in this case soccer, as a tool to transform the social aspect in the communities of the country.

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