In the company of the National Army we deliver community development works in the south of Bolívar

The inhabitants of the Barranco de Loba municipality, in the south of Bolívar, celebrated Christmas with the installation of a new playground, the remodeling of sports venues, and the delivery of school desks and hundreds of gifts for more than 800 boys and girls , thanks to the joint work between the Colombianitos Foundation and the National Army.

The initiative had the objective of contributing to the reconstruction of the social fabric of this municipality, working for the benefit of the vulnerable population that lives in the south of the department of Bolívar.

Gladys Sanmiguel, executive director of the Colombianitos Foundation, assured that "reaching these places with the support of the National Army represents a great achievement to continue benefiting boys and girls who are in conditions of extreme poverty and where there are not many opportunities for progress".

The event was attended by Major General Germán López Guerrero, chief of the National Army Force Generating Staff, who explained that thanks to the participation of the Marte Joint Task Force and the Second Brigade, efforts were joined to rebuild and adapt the facilities of the 'Los Sapitos' park in this municipality, which promotes the comprehensive development of children and adolescents in the area.

Lizeth Díaz, a 12-year-old Colombian girl, assured that having a better park is the opportunity to enjoy and have fun, because before it was an insecure place, where you could not play.

For its part, the Comprehensive Action and Development Support Battalion No. 1 installed and adapted the children's playground donated by the Colombianitos Foundation, to benefit nearly 5,000 boys and girls, providing them with an adequate space where they can carry out activities of healthy recreation and can make better use of their free time.

During the day, more than 800 gifts were delivered to the children of Barranco de Loba, in the midst of cultural displays and typical dances of the region.

Parents were also grateful for the initiative because many families do not have the financial means to offer gifts to their children, and assured that these types of events are important so as not to feel forgotten.



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