In Muzo, Boyacá, boys and girls celebrated Christmas with the Colombianitos Foundation

The elementary students of the Concha Medina de Silva Educational Institution, in the municipality of Muzo, Boyacá, celebrated Christmas early, thanks to the Colombianitos Foundation, which in alliance with private sector companies joined forces to celebrate one of the childrens' most anticipates holidays.

It was a day full of presents, smiles, joy and surprises, in which the students that participated had disabilities such as Autism, Aspergers, Down Syndrome, Tourettes, cognitive deficit disorder, cerebral palsy, blindness and deafness.

" For Colombianitos, December is the best time of the year, we have the opportunity to cheer up the lives of many boys and girls that live in vulnerable conditions. Celebrating with them during Christmas, bringing them gifts and sharing their joy, motivates us to continue working on our search for alliances that would allow us to better the lives of so many people", affirmed Gladys Sanmiguel, executive director of the Colombianitos Foundation.

When facing this state and committing to making a better education, Nokia, cellphone manufacturer, carried out a act of multinational generosity, by gifting equipment to the boys an girls of Ciudad Bolívar, beneficiaries of the Foundation's programs. 

" The best way to build a country is by molding the next generations, thanks to the donations, our colombianitos will be able to study in this virtual and alternative era", assured Gladys Sanmiguel, Executive Director of the Colombianitos Foundation.

The local population of Ciudad Bolívar, in southern Bogotá, was the area chosen to make the first gifting of these devices. In the coming days, the giftings will continue in other areas of the country such as Barbosa, Tocancipá and Puerto Tejada.

The activity was made possible thanks to the support of the companies in the private sector such as Sentry and the Muzo Foundation, that with their donations in resources and goods, like balls, toys, racecar tracks, clothes and refrigerators, they were able to join the campaign of bringing joy during Christmas to these Colombianitos, that, in many cases do not receive a single gift on this holiday.

" I am very happy because with these gifts I will be able to play with my brothers, since we did not have toys before", says Daniela Rojas, a nine year old girl from Muzo.

The parents of the beneficiary families also participated in the celebration, showing much joy, when they saw the happiness children's faces, they enjoyed the special moment.

The municipality of Muzo is an area that is confronter with a lot of issues and challenges for minors, due in large part to the scarcity of opportunity which forces many to abandon their studies for work as to help provide for their families.

" They are children that have complicated familial situation like, malnutrition, familial violence and frequent moving", indicated Gladys Sanmiguel.

Since 2017 the Colombianitos Foundation has developed an educational process in the area's educational institutions , helping students, parents and teachers, currently the project 'Un gol a la deserción' (A goal toward dropping out) is underway.


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