In partnership with Claro we rebuilt a school on the island of Providencia

The Colombianitos Foundation was part of the alliance led by Claro y Claro por Colombia whose objective was to rebuild facilities of the Junín education institution, after the devastation destruction Hurricane Iota caused in 2020.

With the support of clients, foundations and companies of the private sector a gathering of resources worth of more than one billion pesos (23,000. USD) were administered by the Colombianitos Foundation, in addition to the donations contributed in order to achieve the initiative.

Around 100 students were able to enjoy the new first story building that has an area of 560 meter squared that has of four classrooms, a multipurpose room, a teachers lounge, a kitchen and bathrooms completely made up of electrical appliances.

" For Colombianitos it is a privilege to be a part of this type of initiative, we are convinced that, with a good educational program, adequate infrastructure and technology in schools, we will have a country with better opportunities for the coming generations", assured Gladys Sanmiguel, executive director of the Colombianitos Foundation.

The final gifting of the new educational institution to the children of the island was done in the presence of Colombia's then president, Iván Duque Márquez, and the Governor of the San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina, Everth Hawkins.

" For Claro y Claro por Colombia, education is a priority. For this reason we work to improve the growth, development and, above all, the education of children especially in a conjuncture of humanitarian help in which the contribution of strategic alliances we can achieve a greater impact", affirmed Carlos Zenteno, president of Claro Colombia

Los niños de la isla ahora tendrán la posibilidad de volver a estudiar en una infraestructura de primer nivel, que tendrá conectividad a internet debido a que esta institución educativa hace parte de los nueve Centros Digitales que Claro ya ha conectado en San Andrés y Providencia.

Additionally, Claro gave out 10 tablets and 10 laptops as part of the donation for the technology room of the educational institution, as well as 30 desktop computers for the Island's community.


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