Día de la niñez: An opportunity to confirm the duties and the rights of the youngest individuals

Around 300 boys and girls of the Colombianitos Foundation that live in Ciudad Bolivar enjoyed a fun day of games, learning experiences and surprises to celebrate 'El Día de la niñez' (The Day of the Youth).

Through recreational activities, the participants were taught the duties and rights that children possess in society, promoting reflection and fortification in the citizenship skills that they learn in 'Goles para una vida mejor' (Goals for a better life), a program developed by the foundation 20 years ago in this location.

'In a circuit with 30 stations, divide in three categories: duties, rights and physical challenges, the children reflect on how to practice their duties and rights, recreating daily situations' explained Germán Amortegui, coordinator of the Colombianitos Foundation's project in Ciudad the Bolivar.

The activities are developed on the turf pitch in the Guabanal sector, through the course of two days, made up with the participation of the infatil, prejuvenil and juvenil categories.

For Dyla Montaño, an 8 year old colombianito, the celebration was really fun, because in addition to playing with his friends, he learned that he needed to respect all authorities. While 11 year old Julieth Tapiero, added the day was to share with others in a fun and respectful manner.

" In addition to celebration 'Día de la niñez' how we do it usually with presents, activities and surprises, we saw an opportunity to keep forming our beneficiaries in daily citizenship skills" indicated Daniel Garzón, head operator of the program 'Plan de Padrino' (Godparent Plan) of Colombianitos.

Private sector companies, like Asociación Colombiana de Venta Directa (ACOVEDI) and HINODE, participated in the day's events with the giving out of the toiletries donation and nutritional supplements.

This way, the Colombianitos Foundation can continue utilizing sports as a transformation tool in communities, through building the rights and duties of the country's new generation.

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