With the giving out of cellphones we support the education of our Colombianitos

Thanks to the alliance between the Colombianitos Foundation and NOKIA cellphones we given out to the beneficiaries of Ciudad Bolívar, with the end goal in supporting their academic activities that they have developed in a virtual manner during the pandemic. In the midst of... 

In the midst of surprised looks, gracious words, the participants of the "prejuvenil" and "juvenile" categories of the foundation, received devices to connect to their virtual activities, send work, have fun and stay connected to their family. 

Dayron López a 12 year old Colombianito from Ciudad Bolívar, is in seventh grade and assures that his studies have been affected because the only cellphone available is his mothers and he cannot continue his classes while she's at work.

When facing this state and committing to making a better education, Nokia, cellphone manufacturer, carried out a act of multinational generosity, by gifting equipment to the boys an girls of Ciudad Bolívar, beneficiaries of the Foundation's programs. 

" The best way to build a country is by molding the next generations, thanks to the donations, our colombianitos will be able to study in this virtual and alternative era", assured Gladys Sanmiguel, Executive Director of the Colombianitos Foundation.

The local population of Ciudad Bolívar, in southern Bogotá, was the area chosen to make the first gifting of these devices. In the coming days, the giftings will continue in other areas of the country such as Barbosa, Tocancipá and Puerto Tejada.

Now these Colombianitos count on new cellphones, not only take on the programs they are a part of through the Foundation, but also to strengthen their abilities and knowledge in their educational institutions. 

With a big smile when she was opening her gift, 13 year old María Fernanda Morales, shared that she had to join her classes with a cellphone that did not work well, now with this new device, she will be able to participate in all of her school's classes. 

One of the biggest challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought upon the world, was the force transition towards digital education, causing many boys and girls to have limited access to their classes and develop their activities virtually. 

Andrea Salazar, Nokia's Marketing Manager HMD, talks about the multinational motivation of the cellphone producers to help with the initiative, "We unite ourselves with the mission of using technology to keep connecting and supporting the education of kids and teenagers, we want to join and help the beneficiaries of Colombianitos in the formation process through athletics.

Currently the Colombianitos Foundation is taking action in seven areas Tumaco, Providencia, Barú (Cartagena), Barbosa (Antioquia), Tocancipá (Cundinamarca), Puerto Tejada (Cauca) and Ciudad Bolívar (Bogotá), helping 2,498 boys and girls with formation programs.

The Colombianitos Foundation is an organization with 20 years of experience, leader in Colombia in the use of athletics and educational practices as a means to cause social change.

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