Anderson was born in 2007 and studied at the Institución Educativa Harry Daniel in the municipality of Castilla la Nueva. He has a medical condition called "huesos de cristal", (brittle bones) a disease that makes the simplest tasks for any child his age seem like extreme sports.
His persistence and tenacity have led him to lead activities carried out in our "Goles Para Una Vida Mejor" (goals for a better life) Program. He has managed to integrate into activities that seek to develop values and life skills through sports and the “Juguemos por la Paz” (let's play for peace) methodology.
Anderson is one of the most cherished students among his classmates and has very good communication with them, he likes basketball and despite his medical condition, he has practiced it on several occasions. Due to his illness, he has suffered many fractures, but his desire to keep moving forward and the love he has for sports have been the engine of his motivation to keep participating in training.